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  10. <h1>纹理常量(Texture Constants)</h1>
  11. <h2>映射模式</h2>
  12. <code>
  13. THREE.UVMapping
  14. THREE.CubeReflectionMapping
  15. THREE.CubeRefractionMapping
  16. THREE.EquirectangularReflectionMapping
  17. THREE.EquirectangularRefractionMapping
  18. THREE.CubeUVReflectionMapping
  19. </code>
  20. <p>
  21. 这些常量定义了纹理贴图的映射模式。<br />
  22. [page:Constant UVMapping]是默认值,纹理使用网格的坐标来进行映射。<br /><br />
  23. 其它的值定义了环境映射的类型。<br /><br />
  24. [page:Constant CubeReflectionMapping] 和 [page:Constant CubeRefractionMapping] 用于 [page:CubeTexture CubeTexture] ——
  25. 由6个纹理组合而成,每个纹理都是立方体的一个面。
  26. 对于[page:CubeTexture CubeTexture]来说,[page:Constant CubeReflectionMapping]是其默认值。<br /><br />
  27. [page:Constant EquirectangularReflectionMapping] 和 [page:Constant EquirectangularRefractionMapping]
  28. 用于等距圆柱投影的环境贴图,也被叫做经纬线映射贴图。等距圆柱投影贴图表示沿着其水平中线360°的视角,以及沿着其垂直轴向180°的视角。贴图顶部和底部的边缘分别对应于它所映射的球体的北极和南极。
  29. <br /><br />
  30. 请查看示例:[example:webgl_materials_envmaps materials / envmaps] 。
  31. </p>
  32. <h2>包裹模式</h2>
  33. <code>
  34. THREE.RepeatWrapping
  35. THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
  36. THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping
  37. </code>
  38. <p>
  39. 这些常量定义了纹理贴图的 [page:Texture.wrapS wrapS] 和 [page:Texture.wrapT wrapT] 属性,定义了水平和垂直方向上纹理的包裹方式。
  40. <br /><br />
  41. 使用[page:constant RepeatWrapping],纹理将简单地重复到无穷大。
  42. With [page:constant RepeatWrapping] the texture will simply repeat to infinity.<br /><br />
  43. [page:constant ClampToEdgeWrapping]是默认值,纹理中的最后一个像素将延伸到网格的边缘。<br /><br />
  44. 使用[page:constant MirroredRepeatWrapping], 纹理将重复到无穷大,在每次重复时将进行镜像。
  45. </p>
  46. <h2>放大滤镜(Magnification Filters)</h2>
  47. <code>
  48. THREE.NearestFilter
  49. THREE.LinearFilter
  50. </code>
  51. <p>
  52. 这些常量用于纹理的[page:Texture.magFilter magFilter]属性,它们定义了当被纹理化的像素映射到小于或者等于1纹理元素(texel)的区域时,将要使用的纹理放大函数。<br /><br />
  53. [page:constant NearestFilter]返回与指定纹理坐标(在曼哈顿距离之内)最接近的纹理元素的值。<br /><br />
  54. [page:constant LinearFilter]是默认值,返回距离指定的纹理坐标最近的四个纹理元素的加权平均值,
  55. 并且可以包含纹理的其他部分中,被包裹或者被重复的项目,具体取决于 [page:Texture.wrapS wrapS] 和 [page:Texture.wrapT wrapT] 的值,and on the exact mapping。
  56. </p>
  57. <h2>缩小滤镜(Minification Filters)</h2>
  58. <code>
  59. THREE.NearestFilter
  60. THREE.NearestMipmapNearestFilter
  61. THREE.NearestMipmapLinearFilter
  62. THREE.LinearFilter
  63. THREE.LinearMipmapNearestFilter
  64. THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter
  65. </code>
  66. <p>
  67. 这些常量用于纹理的[page:Texture.minFilter minFilter]属性,它们定义了当被纹理化的像素映射到大于1纹理元素(texel)的区域时,将要使用的纹理缩小函数。<br /><br />
  68. 除了[page:constant NearestFilter] 和 [page:constant LinearFilter],
  69. 下面的四个函数也可以用于缩小:<br /><br />
  70. [page:constant NearestMipmapNearestFilter]选择与被纹理化像素的尺寸最匹配的mipmap,
  71. 并以[page:constant NearestFilter](最靠近像素中心的纹理元素)为标准来生成纹理值。
  72. <br /><br />
  73. [page:constant NearestMipmapLinearFilter]选择与被纹理化像素的尺寸最接近的两个mipmap,
  74. 并以[page:constant NearestFilter]为标准来从每个mipmap中生成纹理值。最终的纹理值是这两个值的加权平均值。
  75. <br /><br />
  76. [page:constant LinearMipmapNearestFilter]选择与被纹理化像素的尺寸最匹配的mipmap,
  77. 并以[page:constant LinearFilter](最靠近像素中心的四个纹理元素的加权平均值)为标准来生成纹理值。
  78. <br /><br />
  79. [page:constant LinearMipmapLinearFilter]是默认值,它选择与被纹理化像素的尺寸最接近的两个mipmap,
  80. 并以[page:constant LinearFilter]为标准来从每个mipmap中生成纹理值。最终的纹理值是这两个值的加权平均值。<br /><br />
  81. 请查看示例:[example:webgl_materials_texture_filters materials / texture / filters]。
  82. </p>
  83. <h2>类型</h2>
  84. <code>
  85. THREE.UnsignedByteType
  86. THREE.ByteType
  87. THREE.ShortType
  88. THREE.UnsignedShortType
  89. THREE.IntType
  90. THREE.UnsignedIntType
  91. THREE.FloatType
  92. THREE.HalfFloatType
  93. THREE.UnsignedShort4444Type
  94. THREE.UnsignedShort5551Type
  95. THREE.UnsignedInt248Type
  96. THREE.UnsignedInt5999Type
  97. </code>
  98. <p>
  99. 这些常量用于纹理的[page:Texture.type type]属性,这些属性必须与正确的格式相对应。详情请查看下方。<br /><br />
  100. [page:constant UnsignedByteType] 是默认值。
  101. </p>
  102. <h2>格式</h2>
  103. <code>
  104. THREE.AlphaFormat
  105. THREE.RedFormat
  106. THREE.RedIntegerFormat
  107. THREE.RGFormat
  108. THREE.RGIntegerFormat
  109. THREE.RGBFormat
  110. THREE.RGBAFormat
  111. THREE.RGBAIntegerFormat
  112. THREE.LuminanceFormat
  113. THREE.LuminanceAlphaFormat
  114. THREE.DepthFormat
  115. THREE.DepthStencilFormat
  116. </code>
  117. <p>
  118. 这些常量用于纹理的[page:Texture.format format]属性,它们定义了shader(着色器)将如何读取的2D纹理或者*texels*(纹理元素)的元素。.<br /><br />
  119. [page:constant AlphaFormat] 丢弃红、绿、蓝分量,仅读取Alpha分量。<br /><br />
  120. [page:constant RedFormat] discards the green and blue components and reads just the red component.<br /><br />
  121. [page:constant RedIntegerFormat] discards the green and blue components and reads just the red component.
  122. The texels are read as integers instead of floating point.
  123. <br /><br />
  124. [page:constant RGFormat] discards the alpha, and blue components and reads the red, and green components.
  125. <br /><br />
  126. [page:constant RGIntegerFormat] discards the alpha, and blue components and reads the red, and green components.
  127. The texels are read as integers instead of floating point.
  128. <br /><br />
  129. [page:constant RGBAFormat] 是默认值,它将读取红、绿、蓝和Alpha分量。<br /><br />
  130. [page:constant RGBAIntegerFormat] is the default and reads the red, green, blue and alpha components.
  131. The texels are read as integers instead of floating point.
  132. <br /><br />
  133. [page:constant LuminanceFormat] 将每个元素作为单独的亮度分量来读取。
  134. 将其转换为范围限制在[0,1]区间的浮点数,然后通过将亮度值放入红、绿、蓝通道,并将1.0赋给Alpha通道,来组装成一个RGBA元素。<br /><br />
  135. [page:constant LuminanceAlphaFormat] 将每个元素同时作为亮度分量和Alpha分量来读取。
  136. 和上面[page:constant LuminanceFormat]的处理过程是一致的,除了Alpha分量具有除了*1.0*以外的值。<br /><br />
  137. [page:constant DepthFormat]将每个元素作为单独的深度值来读取,将其转换为范围限制在[0,1]区间的浮点数。
  138. 它是[page:DepthTexture DepthTexture]的默认值。<br /><br />
  139. [page:constant DepthStencilFormat]将每个元素同时作为一对深度值和模板值来读取。
  140. 其中的深度分量解释为[page:constant DepthFormat]。
  141. 模板分量基于深度+模板的内部格式来进行解释。
  142. <br /><br />
  143. 请注意,纹理必须具有正确的[page:Texture.type type]设置,正如上一节所描述的那样。
  144. 请参阅[link:https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/WebGLRenderingContext/texImage2D WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D]
  145. 来获得有关详细信息。
  146. </p>
  147. <h2>DDS / ST3C 压缩纹理格式</h2>
  148. <code>
  149. THREE.RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format
  150. THREE.RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format
  151. THREE.RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format
  152. THREE.RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format
  153. </code>
  154. <p>
  155. 要使用[page:CompressedTexture CompressedTexture]中的[page:Texture.format format]属性,
  156. 需要获得[link:https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc/ WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc]
  157. 扩展的支持。<br /><br />
  158. 通过这个扩展,这里的四种[link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S3_Texture_Compression S3TC]格式将可以使用:<br />
  159. [page:constant RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format]:RGB图像格式的DXT1压缩图像。
  160. [page:constant RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format]:RGB图像格式的DXT1压缩图像,Alpha仅具有是/否透明两个值。<br />
  161. [page:constant RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format]:RGBA图像格式的DXT3压缩图像,和32位RGBA纹理贴图相比,它提供了4:1的压缩比。<br />
  162. [page:constant RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format]:RGBA图像格式的DXT5压缩图像,它也提供了4:1的压缩比,但与DX3格式的不同之处在于其Alpha是如何被压缩的。<br />
  163. </p>
  164. <h2>PVRTC 压缩纹理格式(PVRTC Compressed Texture Formats)</h2>
  165. <code>
  166. THREE.RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format
  167. THREE.RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format
  170. </code>
  171. <p>
  172. 要使用[page:CompressedTexture CompressedTexture]中的[page:Texture.format format]属性,需要获得
  173. [link:https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc/ WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc]
  174. 扩展的支持。<br />
  175. PVRTC通常只在具有PowerVR芯片的移动设备上可用,这些设备主要是苹果设备。<br /><br />
  176. 通过这个扩展,这里的四种[link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PVRTC PVRTC]格式将可以使用:<br />
  177. [page:constant RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format]:4位模式下的RGB压缩,每4x4像素一个块。<br />
  178. [page:constant RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format]:2位模式下的RGB压缩,每8x4像素一个块。<br />
  179. [page:constant RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format]: 4位模式下的RGBA压缩,每4x4像素一个块。<br />
  180. [page:constant RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format]: 2位模式下的RGB压缩,每8x4像素一个块。<br />
  181. </p>
  182. <h2>ETC 压缩纹理格式</h2>
  183. <code>
  184. THREE.RGB_ETC1_Format
  185. THREE.RGB_ETC2_Format
  186. THREE.RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format
  187. </code>
  188. <p>
  189. For use with a [page:CompressedTexture CompressedTexture]'s [page:Texture.format format] property,
  190. these require support for the [link:https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1/ WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1]
  191. (ETC1) or [link:https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc/ WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc]
  192. (ETC2) extensions. <br /><br />
  193. </p>
  194. <h2>ASTC Compressed Texture Format</h2>
  195. <code>
  196. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format
  197. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format
  198. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format
  199. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format
  200. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format
  201. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format
  202. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format
  203. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format
  204. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format
  205. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format
  206. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format
  207. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format
  208. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format
  209. THREE.RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format
  210. </code>
  211. <p>
  212. For use with a [page:CompressedTexture CompressedTexture]'s [page:Texture.format format] property,
  213. these require support for the [link:https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc/ WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc] extension. <br /><br />
  214. </p>
  215. <h2>Internal Formats</h2>
  216. <code>
  217. 'ALPHA'
  218. 'RGB'
  219. 'RGBA'
  220. 'LUMINANCE'
  222. 'RED_INTEGER'
  223. 'R8'
  224. 'R8_SNORM'
  225. 'R8I'
  226. 'R8UI'
  227. 'R16I'
  228. 'R16UI'
  229. 'R16F'
  230. 'R32I'
  231. 'R32UI'
  232. 'R32F'
  233. 'RG8'
  234. 'RG8_SNORM'
  235. 'RG8I'
  236. 'RG8UI'
  237. 'RG16I'
  238. 'RG16UI'
  239. 'RG16F'
  240. 'RG32I'
  241. 'RG32UI'
  242. 'RG32F'
  243. 'RGB565'
  244. 'RGB8'
  245. 'RGB8_SNORM'
  246. 'RGB8I'
  247. 'RGB8UI'
  248. 'RGB16I'
  249. 'RGB16UI'
  250. 'RGB16F'
  251. 'RGB32I'
  252. 'RGB32UI'
  253. 'RGB32F'
  254. 'RGB9_E5'
  255. 'SRGB8'
  256. 'R11F_G11F_B10F'
  257. 'RGBA4'
  258. 'RGBA8'
  259. 'RGBA8_SNORM'
  260. 'RGBA8I'
  261. 'RGBA8UI'
  262. 'RGBA16I'
  263. 'RGBA16UI'
  264. 'RGBA16F'
  265. 'RGBA32I'
  266. 'RGBA32UI'
  267. 'RGBA32F'
  268. 'RGB5_A1'
  269. 'RGB10_A2'
  270. 'RGB10_A2UI'
  271. 'SRGB8_ALPHA8'
  275. 'DEPTH24_STENCIL8'
  276. 'DEPTH32F_STENCIL8'
  277. </code>
  278. <p>
  279. For use with a texture's [page:Texture.internalFormat internalFormat] property,
  280. these define how elements of a texture, or *texels*, are stored on the GPU.<br /><br />
  281. [page:constant R8] stores the red component on 8 bits.<br /><br />
  282. [page:constant R8_SNORM] stores the red component on 8 bits. The component is stored as normalized. <br /><br />
  283. [page:constant R8I] stores the red component on 8 bits. The component is stored as an integer. <br /><br />
  284. [page:constant R8UI] stores the red component on 8 bits. The component is stored as an unsigned integer. <br /><br />
  285. [page:constant R16I] stores the red component on 16 bits. The component is stored as an integer. <br /><br />
  286. [page:constant R16UI] stores the red component on 16 bits. The component is stored as an unsigned integer. <br /><br />
  287. [page:constant R16F] stores the red component on 16 bits. The component is stored as floating point. <br /><br />
  288. [page:constant R32I] stores the red component on 32 bits. The component is stored as an integer. <br /><br />
  289. [page:constant R32UI] stores the red component on 32 bits. The component is stored as an unsigned integer. <br /><br />
  290. [page:constant R32F] stores the red component on 32 bits. The component is stored as floating point. <br /><br />
  291. [page:constant RG8] stores the red and green components on 8 bits each.<br /><br />
  292. [page:constant RG8_SNORM] stores the red and green components on 8 bits each.
  293. Every component is stored as normalized.
  294. <br /><br />
  295. [page:constant RG8I] stores the red and green components on 8 bits each.
  296. Every component is stored as an integer.
  297. <br /><br />
  298. [page:constant RG8UI] stores the red and green components on 8 bits each.
  299. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  300. <br /><br />
  301. [page:constant RG16I] stores the red and green components on 16 bits each.
  302. Every component is stored as an integer.
  303. <br /><br />
  304. [page:constant RG16UI] stores the red and green components on 16 bits each.
  305. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  306. <br /><br />
  307. [page:constant RG16F] stores the red and green components on 16 bits each.
  308. Every component is stored as floating point.
  309. <br /><br />
  310. [page:constant RG32I] stores the red and green components on 32 bits each.
  311. Every component is stored as an integer.
  312. <br /><br />
  313. [page:constant RG32UI] stores the red and green components on 32 bits.
  314. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  315. <br /><br />
  316. [page:constant RG32F] stores the red and green components on 32 bits.
  317. Every component is stored as floating point.
  318. <br /><br />
  319. [page:constant RGB8] stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each.
  320. [page:constant RGB8_SNORM] stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each.
  321. Every component is stored as normalized.
  322. <br /><br />
  323. [page:constant RGB8I] stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each.
  324. Every component is stored as an integer.
  325. <br /><br />
  326. [page:constant RGB8UI] stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each.
  327. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  328. <br /><br />
  329. [page:constant RGB16I] stores the red, green, and blue components on 16 bits each.
  330. Every component is stored as an integer.
  331. <br /><br />
  332. [page:constant RGB16UI] stores the red, green, and blue components on 16 bits each.
  333. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  334. <br /><br />
  335. [page:constant RGB16F] stores the red, green, and blue components on 16 bits each.
  336. Every component is stored as floating point
  337. <br /><br />
  338. [page:constant RGB32I] stores the red, green, and blue components on 32 bits each.
  339. Every component is stored as an integer.
  340. <br /><br />
  341. [page:constant RGB32UI] stores the red, green, and blue components on 32 bits each.
  342. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  343. <br /><br />
  344. [page:constant RGB32F] stores the red, green, and blue components on 32 bits each.
  345. Every component is stored as floating point
  346. <br /><br />
  347. [page:constant R11F_G11F_B10F] stores the red, green, and blue components respectively on 11 bits, 11 bits, and 10bits.
  348. Every component is stored as floating point.
  349. <br /><br />
  350. [page:constant RGB565] stores the red, green, and blue components respectively on 5 bits, 6 bits, and 5 bits.<br /><br />
  351. [page:constant RGB9_E5] stores the red, green, and blue components on 9 bits each.<br /><br />
  352. [page:constant RGBA8] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits each.<br /><br />
  353. [page:constant RGBA8_SNORM] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits.
  354. Every component is stored as normalized.
  355. <br /><br />
  356. [page:constant RGBA8I] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits each.
  357. Every component is stored as an integer.
  358. <br /><br />
  359. [page:constant RGBA8UI] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits.
  360. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  361. <br /><br />
  362. [page:constant RGBA16I] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 16 bits.
  363. Every component is stored as an integer.
  364. <br /><br />
  365. [page:constant RGBA16UI] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 16 bits.
  366. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  367. <br /><br />
  368. [page:constant RGBA16F] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 16 bits.
  369. Every component is stored as floating point.
  370. <br /><br />
  371. [page:constant RGBA32I] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 32 bits.
  372. Every component is stored as an integer.
  373. <br /><br />
  374. [page:constant RGBA32UI] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 32 bits.
  375. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  376. <br /><br />
  377. [page:constant RGBA32F] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 32 bits.
  378. Every component is stored as floating point.
  379. <br /><br />
  380. [page:constant RGB5_A1] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components respectively on 5 bits, 5 bits, 5 bits, and 1 bit.<br /><br />
  381. [page:constant RGB10_A2] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components respectively on 10 bits, 10 bits, 10 bits and 2 bits.<br /><br />
  382. [page:constant RGB10_A2UI] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components respectively on 10 bits, 10 bits, 10 bits and 2 bits.
  383. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  384. <br /><br />
  385. [page:constant SRGB8] stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each.<br /><br />
  386. [page:constant SRGB8_ALPHA8] stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits each.<br /><br />
  387. [page:constant DEPTH_COMPONENT16] stores the depth component on 16bits.<br /><br />
  388. [page:constant DEPTH_COMPONENT24] stores the depth component on 24bits.<br /><br />
  389. [page:constant DEPTH_COMPONENT32F] stores the depth component on 32bits. The component is stored as floating point.<br /><br />
  390. [page:constant DEPTH24_STENCIL8] stores the depth, and stencil components respectively on 24 bits and 8 bits.
  391. The stencil component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  392. <br /><br />
  393. [page:constant DEPTH32F_STENCIL8] stores the depth, and stencil components respectively on 32 bits and 8 bits.
  394. The depth component is stored as floating point, and the stencil component as an unsigned integer.
  395. <br /><br />
  396. Note that the texture must have the correct [page:Texture.type type] set,
  397. as well as the correct [page:Texture.format format].
  398. See [link:https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/WebGLRenderingContext/texImage2D WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D], and
  399. [link:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL2RenderingContext/texImage3D WebGL2RenderingContext.texImage3D],
  400. for more details regarding the possible combination of [page:Texture.format format], [page:Texture.internalFormat internalFormat],
  401. and [page:Texture.type type].<br /><br />
  402. For more in-depth information regarding internal formats, you can also refer directly
  403. to the [link:https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/specs/latest/2.0/ WebGL2 Specification] and
  404. to the [link:https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/specs/es/3.0/es_spec_3.0.pdf OpenGL ES 3.0 Specification].
  405. </p>
  406. <h2>Depth Packing</h2>
  407. <code>
  408. THREE.BasicDepthPacking
  409. THREE.RGBADepthPacking
  410. </code>
  411. <p>
  412. For use with the [page:MeshDepthMaterial.depthPacking depthPacking] property of `MeshDepthMaterial`.
  413. </p>
  414. <h2>Color Space</h2>
  415. <code>
  416. THREE.NoColorSpace = ""
  417. THREE.SRGBColorSpace = "srgb"
  418. THREE.LinearSRGBColorSpace = "srgb-linear"
  419. </code>
  420. <p>
  421. Used to define the color space of textures (and the output color space of the renderer).<br /><br />
  422. If the color space type is changed after the texture has already been used by a material,
  423. you will need to set [page:Material.needsUpdate Material.needsUpdate] to `true` to make the material recompile.<br /><br />
  424. </p>
  425. <h2>源代码</h2>
  426. <p>
  427. [link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/constants.js src/constants.js]
  428. </p>
  429. </body>
  430. </html>