## Setup - Execute `npm install` from the root folder ## Run You can run the unit tests in two environments: - Node.js: Execute `npm run test-unit` from the root folder - Browser: Execute `npx servez -p 8080 --ssl` (or run any other local web sever) from the root folder and access `https://localhost:8080/test/unit/UnitTests.html` in a web browser. See [Installation](https://threejs.org/docs/#manual/introduction/Installation) for more information. ## Notes A small number of tests can only be run in a browser environment. For browser tests, futher changes to the library will not be reflected until the page is refreshed. ## Troubleshooting When adding or updating tests, the most common cause of test failure is forgetting to change `QUnit.todo` to `QUnit.test` when the test is ready. An error that indicates "no tests were found" means that an import statement could not be resolved. This is usually caused by a typo in the import path. ## Debugging To debug a test, add `debugger;` to the test code. Then, run the test in a browser and open the developer tools. The test will stop at the `debugger` statement and you can inspect the code.