[page:Group] →


XREstimatedLight uses WebXR's light estimation to create a light probe, a directional light, and (optionally) an environment map that model the user's real-world environment and lighting.
As WebXR updates the light and environment estimation, XREstimatedLight automatically updates the light probe, directional light, and environment map.

It's important to specify `light-estimation` as an optional or required feature when creating the WebXR session, otherwise the light estimation can't work.

See here for browser compatibility information, as this is still an experimental feature in WebXR.

To use this, as with all files in the /examples directory, you will have to include the file separately in your HTML.


[name] is an add-on, and must be imported explicitly. See [link:#manual/introduction/Installation Installation / Addons].

import { XREstimatedLight } from 'three/addons/webxr/XREstimatedLight.js';

Code Example

renderer.xr.enabled = true; // Don't add the XREstimatedLight to the scene initially. // It doesn't have any estimated lighting values until an AR session starts. const xrLight = new XREstimatedLight( renderer ); xrLight.addEventListener( 'estimationstart' , () => { scene.add( xrLight ); if ( xrLight.environment ) { scene.environment = xrLight.environment; } } ); xrLight.addEventListener( 'estimationend', () => { scene.remove( xrLight ); scene.environment = null; } ); // In order for lighting estimation to work, 'light-estimation' must be included as either // an optional or required feature. document.body.appendChild( XRButton.createButton( renderer, { optionalFeatures: [ 'light-estimation' ] } ) );


[example:webxr_ar_lighting webxr / light estimation]


[name]( [param:WebGLRenderer renderer], [param:Boolean environmentEstimation] )

[page:WebGLRenderer renderer]: (required) The renderer used to render the Scene. Mainly used to interact with WebXRManager.

environmentEstimation: If `true`, use WebXR to estimate an environment map.



Fires when the estimated lighting values start being updated.


Fires when the estimated lighting values stop being updated.


[property:Texture environment]

The environment map estimated by WebXR. This is only available if environmentEstimation is `true`.

It can be used as the [page:Scene.environment], for [page:MeshStandardMaterial.envMap], or as the [page:Scene.background].


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/jsm/webxr/XREstimatedLight.js examples/jsm/webxr/XREstimatedLight.js]