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"description": "Specify the value whose arccosine to return." } ] }, { "name": "Asin", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the angle whose trigonometric sine is X.", "shaderNode": "asin", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the value whose arcsine to return." } ] }, { "name": "Atan", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns either the angle whose trigonometric arctangent is yx or y_over_x, depending on which overload is invoked. In the first overload, the signs of y and x are used to determine the quadrant that the angle lies in.", "shaderNode": "atan", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aSNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "y_over_x", "description": "Specify the fraction whose arctangent to return." } ] }, { "name": "Atan2", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Return the arc-tangent of the parameters", "shaderNode": "atan2", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "y", "description": "Specify the numerator of the fraction whose arctangent to return." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the denominator of the fraction whose arctangent to return." } ] }, { "name": "Ceil", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns a value equal to the nearest integer that is greater than or equal to x.", "shaderNode": "ceil", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the value to evaluate." } ] }, { "name": "Clamp", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Constrain a value to lie between two further values", "shaderNode": "clamp", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the value to constrain." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "minVal", "description": "Specify the lower end of the range into which to constrain." }, { "name": "cNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "maxVal", "description": "Specify the upper end of the range into which to constrain." } ] }, { "name": "Cosine", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the trigonometric cosine of angle.", "shaderNode": "cos", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "angle", "description": "Specify the quantity, in radians, of which to return the cosine." } ] }, { "name": "Cross", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Calculate the cross product of two vectors", "shaderNode": "cross", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specifies the first of two points." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "y", "description": "Specifies the second of two points." } ] }, { "name": "Degrees", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Converts a quantity specified in radians into degrees.", "shaderNode": "degrees", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "radians", "description": "Specify the quantity, in radians, to be converted to degrees." } ] }, { "name": "Distance", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Calculate the distance between two points", "shaderNode": "distance", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "p0", "description": "Specifies the first of two points." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "p1", "description": "Specifies the second of two points." } ] }, { "name": "Dot", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Calculate the dot product of two vectors", "shaderNode": "dot", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specifies the first of two points." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "y", "description": "Specifies the second of two points." } ] }, { "name": "Exp", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the natural exponentiation of x. i.e., ex.", "shaderNode": "exp", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the value to exponentiate." } ] }, { "name": "Face Forward", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Return a vector pointing in the same direction as another", "shaderNode": "faceForward", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "n", "description": "Specifies the vector to orient." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "i", "description": "Specifies the incident vector." }, { "name": "cNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "nref", "description": "Specifies the reference vector." } ] }, { "name": "Floor", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns a value equal to the nearest integer that is less than or equal to x.", "shaderNode": "floor", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the value to evaluate." } ] }, { "name": "Fract", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the fractional part of x. This is calculated as x - floor(x).", "shaderNode": "fract", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the value to evaluate." } ] }, { "name": "Inverse Sqrt", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the inverse of the square root of x; i.e. the value 1x√.", "shaderNode": "inversesqrt", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the value of which to take the inverse of the square root." } ] }, { "name": "Length", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the length of the vector, i.e.", "shaderNode": "length", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the vector of which to calculate the length." } ] }, { "name": "Log", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the natural logarithm of x, i.e. the value y which satisfies x=ey.", "shaderNode": "log", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the value of which to take the natural logarithm." } ] }, { "name": "Log2", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the base 2 logarithm of x, i.e. the value y which satisfies x=2y.", "shaderNode": "log2", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the value of which to take the base 2 logarithm." } ] }, { "name": "Max", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the maximun of the two parameters.", "shaderNode": "max", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the first value to compare." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "y", "description": "Specify the second value to compare." } ] }, { "name": "Min", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the minimum of the two parameters.", "shaderNode": "min", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the first value to compare." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "y", "description": "Specify the second value to compare." } ] }, { "name": "Mix", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Linearly interpolate between two values", "shaderNode": "mix", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the start of the range in which to interpolate." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "y", "description": "Specify the end of the range in which to interpolate." }, { "name": "cNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "a", "description": "Specify the value to use to interpolate between x and y." } ] }, { "name": "Modulo", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the value of x modulo y.", "shaderNode": "mod", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the value to evaluate." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "float", "label": "y", "description": "Specify the value to evaluate." } ] }, { "name": "Negate", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the flipped sign value of input In", "shaderNode": "negate", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "description": "Input value." } ] }, { "name": "Normalize", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns a vector with the same direction as its parameter, v, but with length 1.", "shaderNode": "normalize", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "v", "description": "Specifies the vector to normalize." } ] }, { "name": "One Minus", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the result of input `a` subtracted from 1.", "shaderNode": "oneMinus", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "description": "Input value." } ] }, 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}, { "name": "Reflect", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Calculate the reflection direction for an incident vector", "shaderNode": "reflect", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "i", "description": "Specifies the incident vector." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "n", "description": "Specifies the normal vector." } ] }, { "name": "Refract", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Calculate the refraction direction for an incident vector", "shaderNode": "refract", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "i", "description": "Specifies the incident vector." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "n", "description": "Specifies the normal vector." }, { "name": "cNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "eta", "description": "Specifies the ratio of indices of refraction." } ] }, { "name": "Remap", "icon": "math-function", "nodeType": "node", "shaderNode": "remap", 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extract the sign." } ] }, { "name": "Sine", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the trigonometric sine of angle.", "shaderNode": "sin", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "angle", "description": "Specify the quantity, in radians, of which to return the sine." } ] }, { "name": "Smoothstep", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Perform Hermite interpolation between two values", "shaderNode": "smoothstep", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "edge0", "description": "Specifies the value of the lower edge of the Hermite function." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "edge1", "description": "Specifies the value of the upper edge of the Hermite function." }, { "name": "cNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specifies the value to be used to generate the Hermite function." } ] }, { "name": "Sqrt", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the square root of x, i.e.", "shaderNode": "sqrt", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the value of which to take the square root." } ] }, { "name": "Tangent", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Returns the trigonometric tangent of angle.", "shaderNode": "tan", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "angle", "description": "Specify the quantity, in radians, of which to return the tangent." } ] }, { "name": "Transform Direction", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Transforms the direction of vector by a matrix and then normalizes the result.", "shaderNode": "transformDirection", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "dir" }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "matrix" } ] }, { "name": "dFdx", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Return the partial derivative of expression p with respect to the window x coordinate.", "shaderNode": "dFdx", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "p", "description": "Specifies the expression of which to take the partial derivative." } ] }, { "name": "dFdy", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Return the partial derivative of expression p with respect to the window y coordinate.", "shaderNode": "dFdy", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "p", "description": "Specifies the expression of which to take the partial derivative." } ] }, { "name": "Step", "icon": "math-function", "description": "Generates a step function by comparing x to edge.", "shaderNode": "step", "nodeType": "node", "properties": [ { "name": "aNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "edge", "description": "Specifies the location of the edge of the step function." }, { "name": "bNode", "nodeType": "node", "label": "x", "description": "Specify the value to be used to generate the step function." } ] } ] }, { "name": "Constants", "icon": "123", "children": [ { "name": "Epsilon", "icon": "letter-e", "shaderNode": "EPSILON", "nodeType": "float", "value": 1000000 }, { "name": "Infinity", "icon": "infinity", "shaderNode": "INFINITY", "nodeType": "float", "value": 0.000001 }, { "name": "PI", "icon": "math-pi", "shaderNode": "PI", "nodeType": "float", "value": 3.141592653589793 } ] } ] }, { "name": "Filters", "icon": "color-filter", "children": [ { "name": "Burn", "icon": "color-filter", "nodeType": "color", "shaderNode": "burn", "properties": [ { "name": "blendNode", "nodeType": "color" }, { "name": "baseNode", "nodeType": "color" } ] }, { "name": "Difference", "icon": "color-filter", "nodeType": "color", "shaderNode": "difference", "properties": [ { "name": "blendNode", "nodeType": "color" }, { "name": "baseNode", "nodeType": "color" } ] }, { "name": "Dodge", "icon": "color-filter", "nodeType": "color", "shaderNode": "dodge", "properties": [ { "name": "blendNode", 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