import * as THREE from 'three'; import * as Nodes from 'three/tsl'; import { Canvas, CircleMenu, ButtonInput, StringInput, ContextMenu, Tips, Search, Loader, Node, TreeViewNode, TreeViewInput, Element } from 'flow'; import { FileEditor } from './editors/FileEditor.js'; import { exportJSON } from './NodeEditorUtils.js'; import { init, ClassLib, getNodeEditorClass, getNodeList } from './NodeEditorLib.js'; import { SplitscreenManager } from './SplitscreenManager.js'; init(); Element.icons.unlink = 'ti ti-unlink'; export class NodeEditor extends THREE.EventDispatcher { constructor( scene = null, renderer = null, composer = null ) { super(); const domElement = document.createElement( 'flow' ); const canvas = new Canvas(); domElement.append( canvas.dom ); this.scene = scene; this.renderer = renderer; const { global } = Nodes; global.set( 'THREE', THREE ); global.set( 'TSL', Nodes ); global.set( 'scene', scene ); global.set( 'renderer', renderer ); global.set( 'composer', composer ); this.nodeClasses = []; this.canvas = canvas; this.domElement = domElement; this._preview = false; this._splitscreen = false; = null; = null; this.previewMenu = null; this.nodesContext = null; this.examplesContext = null; this._initSplitview(); this._initUpload(); this._initTips(); this._initMenu(); this._initSearch(); this._initNodesContext(); this._initExamplesContext(); this._initShortcuts(); this._initParams(); } setSize( width, height ) { this.canvas.setSize( width, height ); return this; } centralizeNode( node ) { const canvas = this.canvas; const nodeRect = node.dom.getBoundingClientRect(); node.setPosition( ( ( canvas.width / 2 ) - canvas.scrollLeft ) - nodeRect.width, ( ( canvas.height / 2 ) - canvas.scrollTop ) - nodeRect.height ); return this; } add( node ) { const onRemove = () => { node.removeEventListener( 'remove', onRemove ); node.setEditor( null ); }; node.setEditor( this ); node.addEventListener( 'remove', onRemove ); this.canvas.add( node ); this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'add', node } ); return this; } get nodes() { return this.canvas.nodes; } set preview( value ) { if ( this._preview === value ) return; if ( value ) { this._wasSplitscreen = this.splitscreen; this.splitscreen = false;; this.canvas.dom.remove();; this.domElement.append( this.previewMenu.dom ); } else { this.canvas.focusSelected = false; this.domElement.append( ); this.domElement.append( this.canvas.dom ); this.domElement.append( ); this.previewMenu.dom.remove(); if ( this._wasSplitscreen == true ) { this.splitscreen = true; } } this._preview = value; } get preview() { return this._preview; } set splitscreen( value ) { if ( this._splitscreen === value ) return; this.splitview.setSplitview( value ); this._splitscreen = value; } get splitscreen() { return this._splitscreen; } newProject() { const canvas = this.canvas; canvas.clear(); canvas.scrollLeft = 0; canvas.scrollTop = 0; canvas.zoom = 1; this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'new' } ); } async loadURL( url ) { const loader = new Loader( Loader.OBJECTS ); const json = await loader.load( url, ClassLib ); this.loadJSON( json ); } loadJSON( json ) { const canvas = this.canvas; canvas.clear(); canvas.deserialize( json ); for ( const node of canvas.nodes ) { this.add( node ); } this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'load' } ); } _initSplitview() { this.splitview = new SplitscreenManager( this ); } _initUpload() { const canvas = this.canvas; canvas.onDrop( () => { for ( const item of canvas.droppedItems ) { const { relativeClientX, relativeClientY } = canvas; const file = item.getAsFile(); const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => { const fileEditor = new FileEditor( reader.result, ); fileEditor.setPosition( relativeClientX - ( fileEditor.getWidth() / 2 ), relativeClientY - 20 ); this.add( fileEditor ); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer( file ); } } ); } _initTips() { = new Tips(); this.domElement.append( ); } _initMenu() { const menu = new CircleMenu(); const previewMenu = new CircleMenu(); menu.setAlign( 'top left' ); previewMenu.setAlign( 'top left' ); const previewButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-brand-threejs' ).setToolTip( 'Preview' ); const splitscreenButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-layout-sidebar-right-expand' ).setToolTip( 'Splitscreen' ); const menuButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-apps' ).setToolTip( 'Add' ); const examplesButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-file-symlink' ).setToolTip( 'Examples' ); const newButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-file' ).setToolTip( 'New' ); const openButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-upload' ).setToolTip( 'Open' ); const saveButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-download' ).setToolTip( 'Save' ); const editorButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-subtask' ).setToolTip( 'Editor' ); previewButton.onClick( () => this.preview = true ); editorButton.onClick( () => this.preview = false ); splitscreenButton.onClick( () => { this.splitscreen = ! this.splitscreen; splitscreenButton.setIcon( this.splitscreen ? 'ti ti-layout-sidebar-right-collapse' : 'ti ti-layout-sidebar-right-expand' ); } ); menuButton.onClick( () => ); examplesButton.onClick( () => ); newButton.onClick( () => { if ( confirm( 'Are you sure?' ) === true ) { this.newProject(); } } ); openButton.onClick( () => { const input = document.createElement( 'input' ); input.type = 'file'; input.onchange = e => { const file =[ 0 ]; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText( file, 'UTF-8' ); reader.onload = readerEvent => { const loader = new Loader( Loader.OBJECTS ); const json = loader.parse( JSON.parse( ), ClassLib ); this.loadJSON( json ); }; };; } ); saveButton.onClick( () => { exportJSON( this.canvas.toJSON(), 'node_editor' ); } ); menu.add( previewButton ) .add( splitscreenButton ) .add( newButton ) .add( examplesButton ) .add( openButton ) .add( saveButton ) .add( menuButton ); previewMenu.add( editorButton ); this.domElement.appendChild( menu.dom ); = menu; this.previewMenu = previewMenu; } _initExamplesContext() { const context = new ContextMenu(); //**************// // MAIN //**************// const onClickExample = async ( button ) => { this.examplesContext.hide(); const filename = button.getExtra(); this.loadURL( `./examples/${filename}.json` ); }; const addExamples = ( category, names ) => { const subContext = new ContextMenu(); for ( const name of names ) { const filename = name.replaceAll( ' ', '-' ).toLowerCase(); subContext.add( new ButtonInput( name ) .setIcon( 'ti ti-file-symlink' ) .onClick( onClickExample ) .setExtra( category.toLowerCase() + '/' + filename ) ); } context.add( new ButtonInput( category ), subContext ); return subContext; }; //**************// // EXAMPLES //**************// addExamples( 'Basic', [ 'Teapot', 'Matcap', 'Fresnel', 'Particles' ] ); this.examplesContext = context; } _initShortcuts() { document.addEventListener( 'keydown', ( e ) => { if ( === document.body ) { const key = e.key; if ( key === 'Tab' ) {; e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } else if ( key === ' ' ) { this.preview = ! this.preview; } else if ( key === 'Delete' ) { if ( this.canvas.selected ) this.canvas.selected.dispose(); } else if ( key === 'Escape' ) { null ); } } } ); } _initParams() { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams( ); const example = urlParams.get( 'example' ) || 'basic/teapot'; this.loadURL( `./examples/${example}.json` ); } addClass( nodeData ) { this.removeClass( nodeData ); this.nodeClasses.push( nodeData ); ClassLib[ ] = nodeData.nodeClass; return this; } removeClass( nodeData ) { const index = this.nodeClasses.indexOf( nodeData ); if ( index !== - 1 ) { this.nodeClasses.splice( index, 1 ); delete ClassLib[ ]; } return this; } _initSearch() { const traverseNodeEditors = ( item ) => { if ( item.children ) { for ( const subItem of item.children ) { traverseNodeEditors( subItem ); } } else { const button = new ButtonInput( ); button.setIcon( `ti ti-${item.icon}` ); button.addEventListener( 'complete', async () => { const nodeClass = await getNodeEditorClass( item ); const node = new nodeClass(); this.add( node ); this.centralizeNode( node ); node ); } ); search.add( button ); if ( item.tags !== undefined ) { search.setTag( button, item.tags ); } } }; const search = new Search(); search.forceAutoComplete = true; search.onFilter( async () => { search.clear(); const nodeList = await getNodeList(); for ( const item of nodeList.nodes ) { traverseNodeEditors( item ); } for ( const item of this.nodeClasses ) { traverseNodeEditors( item ); } } ); search.onSubmit( () => { if ( search.currentFiltered !== null ) { search.currentFiltered.button.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'complete' ) ); } } ); = search; this.domElement.append( search.dom ); } async _initNodesContext() { const context = new ContextMenu( this.canvas.canvas ).setWidth( 300 ); let isContext = false; const contextPosition = {}; const add = ( node ) => { context.hide(); this.add( node ); if ( isContext ) { node.setPosition( Math.round( contextPosition.x ), Math.round( contextPosition.y ) ); } else { this.centralizeNode( node ); } node ); isContext = false; }; context.onContext( () => { isContext = true; const { relativeClientX, relativeClientY } = this.canvas; contextPosition.x = Math.round( relativeClientX ); contextPosition.y = Math.round( relativeClientY ); } ); context.addEventListener( 'show', () => { reset(); focus(); } ); //**************// // INPUTS //**************// const nodeButtons = []; let nodeButtonsVisible = []; let nodeButtonsIndex = - 1; const focus = () => requestAnimationFrame( () => search.inputDOM.focus() ); const reset = () => { search.setValue( '', false ); for ( const button of nodeButtons ) { button.setOpened( false ).setVisible( true ).setSelected( false ); } }; const node = new Node(); context.add( node ); const search = new StringInput().setPlaceHolder( 'Search...' ).setIcon( 'ti ti-list-search' ); search.inputDOM.addEventListener( 'keydown', e => { const key = e.key; if ( key === 'ArrowDown' ) { const previous = nodeButtonsVisible[ nodeButtonsIndex ]; if ( previous ) previous.setSelected( false ); const current = nodeButtonsVisible[ nodeButtonsIndex = ( nodeButtonsIndex + 1 ) % nodeButtonsVisible.length ]; if ( current ) current.setSelected( true ); e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } else if ( key === 'ArrowUp' ) { const previous = nodeButtonsVisible[ nodeButtonsIndex ]; if ( previous ) previous.setSelected( false ); const current = nodeButtonsVisible[ nodeButtonsIndex > 0 ? -- nodeButtonsIndex : ( nodeButtonsIndex = nodeButtonsVisible.length - 1 ) ]; if ( current ) current.setSelected( true ); e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } else if ( key === 'Enter' ) { if ( nodeButtonsVisible[ nodeButtonsIndex ] !== undefined ) { nodeButtonsVisible[ nodeButtonsIndex ]; } else { context.hide(); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } else if ( key === 'Escape' ) { context.hide(); } } ); search.onChange( () => { const value = search.getValue().toLowerCase(); if ( value.length === 0 ) return reset(); nodeButtonsVisible = []; nodeButtonsIndex = 0; for ( const button of nodeButtons ) { const buttonLabel = button.getLabel().toLowerCase(); button.setVisible( false ).setSelected( false ); const visible = buttonLabel.indexOf( value ) !== - 1; if ( visible && button.children.length === 0 ) { nodeButtonsVisible.push( button ); } } for ( const button of nodeButtonsVisible ) { let parent = button; while ( parent !== null ) { parent.setOpened( true ).setVisible( true ); parent = parent.parent; } } if ( nodeButtonsVisible[ nodeButtonsIndex ] !== undefined ) { nodeButtonsVisible[ nodeButtonsIndex ].setSelected( true ); } } ); const treeView = new TreeViewInput(); node.add( new Element().setHeight( 30 ).add( search ) ); node.add( new Element().setHeight( 200 ).add( treeView ) ); const addNodeEditorElement = ( nodeData ) => { const button = new TreeViewNode( ); button.setIcon( `ti ti-${nodeData.icon}` ); if ( nodeData.children === undefined ) { button.isNodeClass = true; button.onClick( async () => { const nodeClass = await getNodeEditorClass( nodeData ); add( new nodeClass() ); } ); } if ( nodeData.tip ) { //button.setToolTip( item.tip ); } nodeButtons.push( button ); if ( nodeData.children ) { for ( const subItem of nodeData.children ) { const subButton = addNodeEditorElement( subItem ); button.add( subButton ); } } return button; }; // const nodeList = await getNodeList(); for ( const node of nodeList.nodes ) { const button = addNodeEditorElement( node ); treeView.add( button ); } this.nodesContext = context; } }