import * as THREE from 'three'; import { KTX2Loader } from 'three/addons/loaders/KTX2Loader.js'; import { RGBELoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/RGBELoader.js'; import { TGALoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/TGALoader.js'; import { FullScreenQuad } from 'three/addons/postprocessing/Pass.js'; import { UISpan, UIDiv, UIRow, UIButton, UICheckbox, UIText, UINumber } from './ui.js'; import { MoveObjectCommand } from '../commands/MoveObjectCommand.js'; const cache = new Map(); class UITexture extends UISpan { constructor( editor ) { super(); const scope = this; const form = document.createElement( 'form' ); const input = document.createElement( 'input' ); input.type = 'file'; input.addEventListener( 'change', function ( event ) { loadFile([ 0 ] ); } ); form.appendChild( input ); const canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ); canvas.width = 32; canvas.height = 16; = 'pointer'; = '5px'; = '1px solid #888'; canvas.addEventListener( 'click', function () {; } ); canvas.addEventListener( 'drop', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); loadFile( event.dataTransfer.files[ 0 ] ); } ); this.dom.appendChild( canvas ); function loadFile( file ) { const extension = '.' ).pop().toLowerCase(); const reader = new FileReader(); const hash = `${file.lastModified}_${file.size}_${}`; if ( cache.has( hash ) ) { const texture = cache.get( hash ); scope.setValue( texture ); if ( scope.onChangeCallback ) scope.onChangeCallback( texture ); } else if ( extension === 'hdr' || extension === 'pic' ) { reader.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) { // assuming RGBE/Radiance HDR image format const loader = new RGBELoader(); loader.load(, function ( hdrTexture ) { hdrTexture.sourceFile =; cache.set( hash, hdrTexture ); scope.setValue( hdrTexture ); if ( scope.onChangeCallback ) scope.onChangeCallback( hdrTexture ); } ); } ); reader.readAsDataURL( file ); } else if ( extension === 'tga' ) { reader.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) { const loader = new TGALoader(); loader.load(, function ( texture ) { texture.colorSpace = THREE.SRGBColorSpace; texture.sourceFile =; cache.set( hash, texture ); scope.setValue( texture ); if ( scope.onChangeCallback ) scope.onChangeCallback( texture ); } ); }, false ); reader.readAsDataURL( file ); } else if ( extension === 'ktx2' ) { reader.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) { const arrayBuffer =; const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL( new Blob( [ arrayBuffer ] ) ); const ktx2Loader = new KTX2Loader(); ktx2Loader.setTranscoderPath( '../../examples/jsm/libs/basis/' ); editor.signals.rendererDetectKTX2Support.dispatch( ktx2Loader ); ktx2Loader.load( blobURL, function ( texture ) { texture.colorSpace = THREE.SRGBColorSpace; texture.sourceFile =; texture.needsUpdate = true; cache.set( hash, texture ); scope.setValue( texture ); if ( scope.onChangeCallback ) scope.onChangeCallback( texture ); ktx2Loader.dispose(); } ); } ); reader.readAsArrayBuffer( file ); } else if ( file.type.match( 'image.*' ) ) { reader.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) { const image = document.createElement( 'img' ); image.addEventListener( 'load', function () { const texture = new THREE.Texture( this ); texture.sourceFile =; texture.needsUpdate = true; cache.set( hash, texture ); scope.setValue( texture ); if ( scope.onChangeCallback ) scope.onChangeCallback( texture ); }, false ); image.src =; }, false ); reader.readAsDataURL( file ); } form.reset(); } this.texture = null; this.onChangeCallback = null; } getValue() { return this.texture; } setValue( texture ) { const canvas = this.dom.children[ 0 ]; const context = canvas.getContext( '2d' ); // Seems like context can be null if the canvas is not visible if ( context ) { // Always clear the context before set new texture, because new texture may has transparency context.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height ); } if ( texture !== null ) { const image = texture.image; if ( image !== undefined && image !== null && image.width > 0 ) { canvas.title = texture.sourceFile; const scale = canvas.width / image.width; if ( texture.isDataTexture || texture.isCompressedTexture ) { const canvas2 = renderToCanvas( texture ); context.drawImage( canvas2, 0, 0, image.width * scale, image.height * scale ); } else { context.drawImage( image, 0, 0, image.width * scale, image.height * scale ); } } else { canvas.title = texture.sourceFile + ' (error)'; } } else { canvas.title = 'empty'; } this.texture = texture; } setColorSpace( colorSpace ) { const texture = this.getValue(); if ( texture !== null ) { texture.colorSpace = colorSpace; } return this; } onChange( callback ) { this.onChangeCallback = callback; return this; } } class UIOutliner extends UIDiv { constructor( editor ) { super(); this.dom.className = 'Outliner'; this.dom.tabIndex = 0; // keyup event is ignored without setting tabIndex const scope = this; // hack this.scene = editor.scene; // Prevent native scroll behavior this.dom.addEventListener( 'keydown', function ( event ) { switch ( event.code ) { case 'ArrowUp': case 'ArrowDown': event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); break; } } ); // Keybindings to support arrow navigation this.dom.addEventListener( 'keyup', function ( event ) { switch ( event.code ) { case 'ArrowUp': scope.selectIndex( scope.selectedIndex - 1 ); break; case 'ArrowDown': scope.selectIndex( scope.selectedIndex + 1 ); break; } } ); this.editor = editor; this.options = []; this.selectedIndex = - 1; this.selectedValue = null; } selectIndex( index ) { if ( index >= 0 && index < this.options.length ) { this.setValue( this.options[ index ].value ); const changeEvent = new Event( 'change', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true } ); this.dom.dispatchEvent( changeEvent ); } } setOptions( options ) { const scope = this; while ( scope.dom.children.length > 0 ) { scope.dom.removeChild( scope.dom.firstChild ); } function onClick() { scope.setValue( this.value ); const changeEvent = new Event( 'change', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true } ); scope.dom.dispatchEvent( changeEvent ); } // Drag let currentDrag; function onDrag() { currentDrag = this; } function onDragStart( event ) { event.dataTransfer.setData( 'text', 'foo' ); } function onDragOver( event ) { if ( this === currentDrag ) return; const area = event.offsetY / this.clientHeight; if ( area < 0.25 ) { this.className = 'option dragTop'; } else if ( area > 0.75 ) { this.className = 'option dragBottom'; } else { this.className = 'option drag'; } } function onDragLeave() { if ( this === currentDrag ) return; this.className = 'option'; } function onDrop( event ) { if ( this === currentDrag || currentDrag === undefined ) return; this.className = 'option'; const scene = scope.scene; const object = scene.getObjectById( currentDrag.value ); const area = event.offsetY / this.clientHeight; if ( area < 0.25 ) { const nextObject = scene.getObjectById( this.value ); moveObject( object, nextObject.parent, nextObject ); } else if ( area > 0.75 ) { let nextObject, parent; if ( this.nextSibling !== null ) { nextObject = scene.getObjectById( this.nextSibling.value ); parent = nextObject.parent; } else { // end of list (no next object) nextObject = null; parent = scene.getObjectById( this.value ).parent; } moveObject( object, parent, nextObject ); } else { const parentObject = scene.getObjectById( this.value ); moveObject( object, parentObject ); } } function moveObject( object, newParent, nextObject ) { if ( nextObject === null ) nextObject = undefined; let newParentIsChild = false; object.traverse( function ( child ) { if ( child === newParent ) newParentIsChild = true; } ); if ( newParentIsChild ) return; const editor = scope.editor; editor.execute( new MoveObjectCommand( editor, object, newParent, nextObject ) ); const changeEvent = new Event( 'change', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true } ); scope.dom.dispatchEvent( changeEvent ); } // scope.options = []; for ( let i = 0; i < options.length; i ++ ) { const div = options[ i ]; div.className = 'option'; scope.dom.appendChild( div ); scope.options.push( div ); div.addEventListener( 'click', onClick ); if ( div.draggable === true ) { div.addEventListener( 'drag', onDrag ); div.addEventListener( 'dragstart', onDragStart ); // Firefox needs this div.addEventListener( 'dragover', onDragOver ); div.addEventListener( 'dragleave', onDragLeave ); div.addEventListener( 'drop', onDrop ); } } return scope; } getValue() { return this.selectedValue; } setValue( value ) { for ( let i = 0; i < this.options.length; i ++ ) { const element = this.options[ i ]; if ( element.value === value ) { element.classList.add( 'active' ); // scroll into view const y = element.offsetTop - this.dom.offsetTop; const bottomY = y + element.offsetHeight; const minScroll = bottomY - this.dom.offsetHeight; if ( this.dom.scrollTop > y ) { this.dom.scrollTop = y; } else if ( this.dom.scrollTop < minScroll ) { this.dom.scrollTop = minScroll; } this.selectedIndex = i; } else { element.classList.remove( 'active' ); } } this.selectedValue = value; return this; } } class UIPoints extends UISpan { constructor() { super(); = 'inline-block'; this.pointsList = new UIDiv(); this.add( this.pointsList ); this.pointsUI = []; this.lastPointIdx = 0; this.onChangeCallback = null; this.update = () => { // bind lexical this if ( this.onChangeCallback !== null ) { this.onChangeCallback(); } }; } onChange( callback ) { this.onChangeCallback = callback; return this; } clear() { for ( let i = this.pointsUI.length - 1; i >= 0; -- i ) { this.deletePointRow( i, false ); } this.lastPointIdx = 0; } deletePointRow( idx, needsUpdate = true ) { if ( ! this.pointsUI[ idx ] ) return; this.pointsList.remove( this.pointsUI[ idx ].row ); this.pointsUI.splice( idx, 1 ); if ( needsUpdate === true ) { this.update(); } this.lastPointIdx --; } } class UIPoints2 extends UIPoints { constructor() { super(); const row = new UIRow(); this.add( row ); const addPointButton = new UIButton( '+' ); addPointButton.onClick( () => { if ( this.pointsUI.length === 0 ) { this.pointsList.add( this.createPointRow( 0, 0 ) ); } else { const point = this.pointsUI[ this.pointsUI.length - 1 ]; this.pointsList.add( this.createPointRow( point.x.getValue(), point.y.getValue() ) ); } this.update(); } ); row.add( addPointButton ); } getValue() { const points = []; let count = 0; for ( let i = 0; i < this.pointsUI.length; i ++ ) { const pointUI = this.pointsUI[ i ]; if ( ! pointUI ) continue; points.push( new THREE.Vector2( pointUI.x.getValue(), pointUI.y.getValue() ) ); ++ count; pointUI.lbl.setValue( count ); } return points; } setValue( points, needsUpdate = true ) { this.clear(); for ( let i = 0; i < points.length; i ++ ) { const point = points[ i ]; this.pointsList.add( this.createPointRow( point.x, point.y ) ); } if ( needsUpdate === true ) this.update(); return this; } createPointRow( x, y ) { const pointRow = new UIDiv(); const lbl = new UIText( this.lastPointIdx + 1 ).setWidth( '20px' ); const txtX = new UINumber( x ).setWidth( '30px' ).onChange( this.update ); const txtY = new UINumber( y ).setWidth( '30px' ).onChange( this.update ); const scope = this; const btn = new UIButton( '-' ).onClick( function () { if ( scope.isEditing ) return; const idx = scope.pointsList.getIndexOfChild( pointRow ); scope.deletePointRow( idx ); } ); this.pointsUI.push( { row: pointRow, lbl: lbl, x: txtX, y: txtY } ); ++ this.lastPointIdx; pointRow.add( lbl, txtX, txtY, btn ); return pointRow; } } class UIPoints3 extends UIPoints { constructor() { super(); const row = new UIRow(); this.add( row ); const addPointButton = new UIButton( '+' ); addPointButton.onClick( () => { if ( this.pointsUI.length === 0 ) { this.pointsList.add( this.createPointRow( 0, 0, 0 ) ); } else { const point = this.pointsUI[ this.pointsUI.length - 1 ]; this.pointsList.add( this.createPointRow( point.x.getValue(), point.y.getValue(), point.z.getValue() ) ); } this.update(); } ); row.add( addPointButton ); } getValue() { const points = []; let count = 0; for ( let i = 0; i < this.pointsUI.length; i ++ ) { const pointUI = this.pointsUI[ i ]; if ( ! pointUI ) continue; points.push( new THREE.Vector3( pointUI.x.getValue(), pointUI.y.getValue(), pointUI.z.getValue() ) ); ++ count; pointUI.lbl.setValue( count ); } return points; } setValue( points, needsUpdate = true ) { this.clear(); for ( let i = 0; i < points.length; i ++ ) { const point = points[ i ]; this.pointsList.add( this.createPointRow( point.x, point.y, point.z ) ); } if ( needsUpdate === true ) this.update(); return this; } createPointRow( x, y, z ) { const pointRow = new UIDiv(); const lbl = new UIText( this.lastPointIdx + 1 ).setWidth( '20px' ); const txtX = new UINumber( x ).setWidth( '30px' ).onChange( this.update ); const txtY = new UINumber( y ).setWidth( '30px' ).onChange( this.update ); const txtZ = new UINumber( z ).setWidth( '30px' ).onChange( this.update ); const scope = this; const btn = new UIButton( '-' ).onClick( function () { if ( scope.isEditing ) return; const idx = scope.pointsList.getIndexOfChild( pointRow ); scope.deletePointRow( idx ); } ); this.pointsUI.push( { row: pointRow, lbl: lbl, x: txtX, y: txtY, z: txtZ } ); ++ this.lastPointIdx; pointRow.add( lbl, txtX, txtY, txtZ, btn ); return pointRow; } } class UIBoolean extends UISpan { constructor( boolean, text ) { super(); this.setMarginRight( '4px' ); this.checkbox = new UICheckbox( boolean ); this.text = new UIText( text ).setMarginLeft( '3px' ); this.add( this.checkbox ); this.add( this.text ); } getValue() { return this.checkbox.getValue(); } setValue( value ) { return this.checkbox.setValue( value ); } } let renderer, fsQuad; function renderToCanvas( texture ) { if ( renderer === undefined ) { renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); } if ( fsQuad === undefined ) { fsQuad = new FullScreenQuad( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial() ); } const image = texture.image; renderer.setSize( image.width, image.height, false ); = texture; fsQuad.render( renderer ); return renderer.domElement; } export { UITexture, UIOutliner, UIPoints, UIPoints2, UIPoints3, UIBoolean };